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Energy Frontiers International
Exploring Emerging Energy Technologies Since 1980

Knowledge Center


INFRA Technology M100 GTL plant site visit
Texas | 2016

The Knowledge Center contains presentations and materials from EFI forums and site visits, and other content related to topics being covered by the association and its members.



Click on items below for a link to content

Reports and Studies

World Bank Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership Reports


Technology Forums and Site Visits




2016 - 2019

2019 Gas Flare Monetization & Syngas Conversion

Houston, Texas

2019 Sustainable Pathways to Syngas, Fuels & Chemicals
Calgary, Alberta

2019 Emerging Technologies and Policy
Washington, DC

2018 Gas Flare Monetization & Syngas Conversion
Houston, Texas

2017 Gas-to-Market & Syngas Conversion
Houston, Texas

2017 Gas Flare Monetization
Denver, Colorado

2016 Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion
Houston, Texas

2016 Gas Flare MonetizationDenver, Colorado
2011 - 2015
2015 Gas-to-Market & Energy ConversionHouston, Texas

2015 Gas Flare Reduction & MonetizationDenver, Colorado

2014 Gas-to-Market & Energy ConversionPittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2014 Carbon Conversion ForumBeijing, China

2014 Gas-to-Products, Fuels & PowerNew Orleans, Louisiana

2013 Gas-to-Market & Energy ConversionSan Francisco, California

2012 Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion

2012 Emerging Energy Technology & PolicyMiami, Florida

2011 Gas-to-Market & Energy ConversionLondon

2011 Heavy ResourcesVancouver, British Columbia

2011 Emerging Energy TechnologySan Francisco, California
2006 - 2010
2010 Gas-to-Market & Energy ConversionBoston, Massachusetts

2010 Emerging Energy TechnologyDenver, Colorado

2009 Gas-to-Market & Energy ConversionWashington, DC

2009 Heavy ResourcesBanff, Alberta

2009 Carbon Conversion


2009 Emerging Energy TechnologySan Antonio, Texas





World Bank Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

Gas Monetization Studies and Reports


The Gobal Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership commissions studies for its members covering potential solutions to recover and monetize flared and/or associated gas, along with bulletins containing updates on the subject. By special arrangement, information from the studies has been shared with EFI members at EFI's GGFR-supported Gas Flare Monetization forums, and sometime later, on the EFI online portal.




Associated Gas Utilization via Mini-GTL



Mini/Micro LNG for Commercialization

of Small Volumes of Associated Gas

Associated Gas Utilization via Mini-GTL



Mini/Micro LNG for Commercialization

of Small Volumes of Associated Gas

Executive Summary


Associated Gas Utilization via Mini-GTL



Comparison of Mini/Micro LNG and CNG 

for Commercialization of Small Volumes

of Associated Gas


Mini-GTL Technology Bulletin

Volume 1, March 2016


Comparison of Mini/Micro LNG and CNG

for Commercialization of Small Volumes

of Associated Gas

Executive Summary


Mini-GTL Technology Bulletin

Volume 2, July 2016


CNG for Commercialization of Small Volumes

of Associated Gas



CNG for Commercialization of Small Volumes

of Associated Gas

Executive Summary






Technology Forums and Site Visits

Gas Flare Monetization & Syngas Conversion Forum
Hotel Granduca
Houston, Texas
23 - 25 October 2019

An expanded program, produced for the fifth year in a row with the support of the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR) included keynote talks by the head of the Nigerian Gas Flare Commercialization Programme, by the GGFR on the small-scale gas conversion technology landscape, and by ExxonMobil on the view for natural gas based on the company's annual Outlook for Energy.

The forum featured an optional GTL Fundamentals Short Course, and sessions focused around process and technology development, scale-up and commercialization, small-scale and modular conversion technologies, and renewable pathways to fuels and chemicals.

Nigerian Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources delegates in attendance



Forum Program

Delegate List        


The Outlook for Natural Gas
David Dankworth
Distinguished Scientific Advisor
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering

Flare-to-Chemicals: GasTechno Single-Step
Methanol Process

Walter Breidenstein
Chief Executive Officer
GasTechno Energy & Fuels

Natural Gas Monetization
Uday Turaga
Chief Executive Officer
ADI Analytics

Modular Gas Processing Plants & Field
Operating Solutions

Joseph Palaia
Vice President Business Development
Pioneer Energy

Accelerating Development of Modular,
Highly Networked Light Hydrocarbon
Conversion Systems

Bruce Cook
Research and Industry Advisor
CISTAR NSF Engineering Research Center

SepFracLNG - Compact Systems for Well-,
Pipeline- and Flare Gas-to-LNG

Jeff Rault
Cawen Energy
SAFCell: Remote Power Solutions for
Oil & Gas Applications

Calum Chisholm
Chief Executive Officer

Wellhead Gas Liquefaction and Use Onsite -
Small-Scale LNG in the Bakken

Dustin Hancock
Terra Energy Group

Unlocking Small-Scale Gas to Liquids -
A NiQuan Energy Update

Eberhard Lucke
Vice President
NiQuan Energy

Micro-Scale LNG Production from Flare Gas
with Liquid Nitrogen

Abdul-Aziz Rashad
Commercial Technology Director

Low Emission Methanol Production
James Lamoureaux
Managing Director
IGP Methanol

Modular Conversion of Flares-to-Fuels
Mikhail Tretyak
Senior Vice President, Engineering & Construction
Greyrock Energy

Harnessing Nigeria's Flare Gas for Socio-
Economic Development and Climate
Change Impact: The Strategic Imperative

Justice Derefaka
Program Manager
Nigerian Gas Flare Commercialization
Programme (NGFCP)

TiGAS - A Proven Route for Gasoline Production
Eric van de Venter
Product Line Director - GTL, TiGAS & SNG
Haldor Topsoe

Monetizing Flared Gas Through New
Applications of Proven Technology

Mark Davis
Chief Executive Officer

From Bench to Barrels - An Update on LanzaTech's
Gas-to-Fuels and Chemicals Platform

Chad Haynes
Government Strategy & Technology Partnerships
* contact Chad Haynes at LanzaTech for further information
   about the content presented at the EFI forum

Synthetic and Renewable Fuels Development
Technology - Commercial Progress Update

Mark Agee
Vice President
Business Development & Licensing
Emerging Fuels Technology

Better Sustainable Fuels: Fischer Tropsch Synthesis
of Hydrocarbons from Abundant Waste Materials

Roger Harris
Vice President Operations

Short Contact Time Oxidation Reactor:
The Next Step on the Way to Economical
FT Mini/Micro GTL

Zbigniew Ring
Chief Engineer
Dason Technology

Hydrogen in the Gas and Electricity Grids as an
Energy Storage and Carbon Management Tool

Brian Weeks
Business Development Director
Gas Technology Institute

Enabling Full-Scale Commercial
Demonstration of Modular, Portable GTL

Jack Haynie
Business Development Manager
INFRA Synthetic Fuels

Carbon Neutral, Sustainable Methanol/DME Economy
Theo Fleisch
Chairman Emeritus
International DME Association

Update: The Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership
Review: The Small-Scale Gas Conversion
Landscape in 2019

Theo Fleisch
Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership
The World Bank

Sustainable Pathways to Syngas, Fuels & Chemicals Forum
BMO Centre
Calgary, Alberta
12 - 13 June 2019

An exploration of some of the most dynamic areas related to sustainable and renewable fuel and chemical production, and emerging processes and technologies enabling the conversion of biomass, biogas, waste, natural gas, CO2 and other low-carbon feedstocks to high-value products.

The forum took place alongside the Global Petroleum Show, the largest energy event in North America, and addressed an increasing interest in downstream technologies enabling a transition to low-carbon, low-emission feedstock monetization and the reduction of CO2 emissions from production and operations.

On the occasion of the forum
Alberta-based ChemBioPower and Bio Friends of Korea announced an agreement that will lay foundations for the creation of a microgrid using DME-powered gensets imported from South Korea for use in remote, rural and indigenous regions in Canada.

Calgary, Alberta



Forum Program


Enabling GTL Project Opportunities -
Global Dynamics
Nico Duursema
Chief Executive Officer
Cerilon GTL

Green Methanol Pathways to Achieving
GHG Emission Targets

Renato Monteiro
Director Business Development
North America

Techno-Economic Perspectives on Biofuel
Opportunities in Western Canada

Thomas Cheney
Canadian Biomass Energy Research

Scale-Up and Commercialization of a
Sustainable Integrated Gas-to-Fuels
and Chemicals Platform

Rachel Brenc
Senior Process Engineer

Into the Ether - Global DME Overview
Christopher Kidder
Executive Director
International DME Association

DME Synthesis from Renewable Resources
James Seaba
Senior Director
Gas Technology Institute
Renewable and Recycled Carbon for
High-Octane Low Carbon Gasoline -
Production at Pilot Scale

Stéphane Marie-Rose
Innovation Centre Director

Transfer and Scale-Up of the Asian DME
Experience to North America

Wonjun Cho
Bio Friends

Solar + Biomass to Fuel & Power: Remote
Production of DME for Rural, Remote
& Indigenous Energy

Antonio Anselmo

Regenerative Froth Technology - Transforming
the "Wet Front-End" of CO2 Capture & More

Richard Adamson
Chief Executive Officer
Industrial Climate Solutions

Emerging Technologies & Policy Forum
The World Bank
Washington, DC
7 March 2019

A special program produced at the invitation of the World Bank as part of its annual Energy Week. The Bank's Energy Week, this year entitled "Frontier Solutions for a Changing World", brings specialists from the World Bank's Energy and Extractives Global Practice engaged in strategic issues related to energy and development around the world together in Washington, DC to hear from policymakers, practitioners and experts on a comprehensive range of topics.

EFI's session involved stakeholders responsible for technologies, projects, strategies and policies now being developed and deployed internationally to provide local solutions to fundamental global issues related to energy demand, resource utilization, waste and sustainability, emissions, air quality, and access to power and fuel.

World Bank headquarters



Forum Program


Bringing Transformative Technological Change
to the Energy Landscape

Madhav Acharya
Technology to Market Advisor
Advanced Research Projects - Energy (ARPA-E)
US Department of Energy

What Does it Take to Achieve "Zero Routine Flaring"?
Francisco Sucre
Program Manager
Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR)
The World Bank

The Methanol Economy - Global Trends and Implications
Greg Dolan
Chief Executive Officer
Methanol Institute

Rural, Remote and Indigenous Energy - Remote
Production of DME

Antonio Anselmo

Remotely Operated Modular Gas Processing Solutions -
From Flare to Fuel

Joseph Palaia
Vice President Business Development
Pioneer Energy

Modular, Scalable LNG from Any Source to Consumers
Trip Bates
Managing Director
Galileo Technologies
Flare Gas Monetization - Bridging the Gap from
Project Definition to Project Financing

Eyal Aronoff
Chief Executive Officer
Pioneer Energy
Innovations in Waste and Biogas in Denmark
Chris Voell
Head - Waste, Recycling and Biogas Advisory
Danish Trade Council of North America
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark


Gas Flare Monetization & Syngas Conversion Forum

Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas

26 - 28 September 2018


A special program produced for the fourth year in a row with the support of the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR) included a keynote talk on the view for natural gas to 2040 by ExxonMobil based on the company's annual Outlook for Energy; a GTL Fundamentals Short Course; and sessions focused around process and technology development, small-scale and modular conversion technologies, and renewable pathways to fuels and chemicals.
















Forum Program                                                



Delegate List                                          





2018 Outlook for Energy:

A View for Natural Gas to 2040

Chuck Mart

Manager, Production Technologies

ExxonMobil Upstream Research




Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 Initiative

Martyn Howells

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank


Alaska Gas - A Huge Frontier Opportunity?

Harold Heinze


Aurora Resource Development

Modular, Scalable Nano LNG Production

Trip Bates

Managing Director

Galileo Technologies NA


OTM Solid State Combined Reformer

Progress Update

Inés Stuckert

Senior Development Specialist



MeOH-to-Go: Cost Effective Small Scale

Methanol Production

David Townsend

Vice President, Engineering

Modular Plant Solutions


Gas-to-Oil: Profitable Production of
Synthetic Crude Oil and Synthetic Fuels

Jack Haynie

Business Development Director

INFRA Technology

Introducing NiQuan Energy

Eberhard Lucke

Vice President

Process Engineering & Technology

NiQuan Energy


Process Intensification R&D for Gas

Treatment and Processing

Linda Cote

Separations and Gas Treating

Research Manager

ExxonMobil Upstream Research

Velocys: The Renewable Fuel Company

Jeff McDaniel

Vice President, New Projects



Cost Efficient Process Designs through


David Kelling

Syngas Technology Manager

Haldor Topsoe

Flare Buster Update

Mark Agee

Vice President
Business Development & Licensing

Emerging Fuel Technology


Innovative ZoneFlow Structured Catalytic Reactors for

Hydrogen-Syngas SMRs

Sanjiv Ratan


Marketing & Product Development

ZoneFlow Reactor Technologies


Scale-Up and Commercialization of

a Sustainable Integrated Gas-to-Fuels

and Chemicals Platform

Patrick Sajbel

Director, Business Development


Gas to Olefins: Gas Monetization Using the

OTM Process

Guido Radaelli

Executive Vice President

Engineering & Technology

Siluria Technologies



Cool GTL - A New GTL Process from GTI

Brian Weeks

Director, Houston Office

Gas Technology Institute

Flare Gas Monetization with MiniGTL and

Martyn Howells

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank

Natural Gas in Marine Transport

Uday Turaga

Chief Executive Officer

ADI Analytics


Gas-to-Market & Syngas Conversion Forum

Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas

27 - 29 September 2017


The forum program included a keynote talk by ExxonMobil based on the company's annual Outlook for Energy, along with several first announcements by companies related to new technology offerings or commercial developments in the gas monetization space. Haldor Topsoe and Modular Plant Solutions' new MeOH-To-Go small-scale, transportable methanol plant; BgtL's new compact, modular and mobile integrated GTL skid system; use of Galileo Technologies' nano scale LNG technology by Terra Energy in the Bakken; informal updates by GasTechno Energy & Fuels on deployment of its mini-GTL unit in North Dakota's Dimond Field;  and an update on the status of SGC Energia's XTLH plant provided notable examples of recent progress.

In addition to a GTL Fundamentals Short Course, delegates were provided with an opportunity to visit INFRA Technology's recently completed M100 GTL plant outside Houston, being readied for start-up after having been flooded during Hurricane Harvey the month prior.


INFRA Technology M100 GTL plant site visit
















Forum Program and Speaker Biographies



Delegate List                                          






ExxonMobil 2017 Outlook for Energy:

A View for Natural Gas to 2040

Chuck Mart

Manager, Production Technologies

ExxonMobil Upstream Research




Gas-to-Oil: Profitable Production of

Synthetic Crude Oil and Synthetic Fuels

Dmitry Popov

Vice President, Commercial

INFRA Technology


New Energies - New Businesses

Vianney Vales

New Energy Advisor


Methanol and Fuel Applications

Uday Turaga

Chief Executive Officer

ADI Analytics


The Methanol Economy & The

Alternating Current Power Grid

Tony Anselmo




ExxonMobil Methanol to Gasoline

(MTG) Developments

Mitch Hindman

Sales Manager

Refining & Gas Processing Technology

ExxonMobil Catalyst & Licensing


Compact GTL Systems for Small Scale

Flare Gas Recovery

Zhijun Jia

Chief Executive Officer


MeOH-To-Go: Cost Effective

Small Scale Methanol Production

Esben Sorensen

Syngas Technology Manager

Haldor Topsoe


OTM Solid State Combined Reformer -

Progress Update

Sean Kelly

Director R&D, OTM Systems


Mixed Alcohols Technologies

Growth Platform Opportunity

Peter Tijm

Chief Technology Officer

Standard Alcohol


Gas Flare Monetization Solutions

David Greer

R&D Director

Adsorbents and Gas Processing

Honeywell UOP

Unlocking the Potential for Cleaner

and More Powerful "Diesel" Engines

Using Low-Soot Fuels

BJ Johnson

Chief Technology Officer

ClearFlame Engines


The Small Scale Gas Conversion Landscape

in 2017 - Monetization of Challenged Gas

Resources Via Mini/MicroGTL

Theo Fleisch


Global Gas Flare Reduction Partnership

The World Bank


VW Diesel Emissions Scandal: Two Years

Later - Scope and Ramifications

Ron Sills


XTL & DME Institute

Nano Scale LNG Production

Steve Childers

Vice President Technical Services

Galileo Technologies North America


4 Link to video





Industrial Biomanufacturing: The

Future of Chemical Production

from C1 Feedstocks

Ramon Gonzalez

Founding Director

Advanced Biomanufacturing Initiative

Rice University

(6 part due to file size)



Gas Flare Monetization Forum

Sheraton Denver Downtown

Denver, Colorado

13 - 15 June 2017


Again produced with support from the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR), the forum program featured briefings from several companies that have announced first commercial reference and/or commercial agreements in the first two quarters of 2017. Keynote talks by the World Bank GGFR provided an overview of policy initiatives towards the elimination of gas flaring, and the small-scale gas converstion technology landscape.


Delegates were given an opportunity to visit a Great Western Oil & Gas well pad in the Denver-Julesburg Basin with Pioneer Energy Chief Executive Officer Eyal Aronoff for a firsthand look at one of the company's Vaporcatcher units in operation. The Vaporcatcher captures and monetizes the vapors from tank batteries, eliminating many VOC emissions and providing the oil producer with an additional source of revenue.


Pioneer Energy Vaporcatcher site visit















Forum Program and Speaker Biographies



Delegate List                              







Policy Initiatives Towards the Elimination

of Gas Flaring

Bjorn Hamso

Program Manager

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank




STG+ Gas-to-Liquids Solutions Onshore

and Offshore

George Boyajian

Chief Commercial Officer

Primus Green Energy


GasTechno Commercial-Scale Mini-GTL

Evan Visser

Chief Technology Officer

GasTechno Energy & Fuels

Modular, Portable Micro-Scale LNG

Edward Woods

Territory Sales Manager

Distributed LNG Solutions



GTL from Methane in a Single Vessel

Gregory Patience


ME Resource


Velocys: Gas-to-Liquids Commercial

Start-Up and Future Plans

Jeff McDaniel

Commercial Director



4 Link to video


Extinguishing Gas Flares with Mini/MicroGTL

The Small Scale Gas Conversion

Landscape in 2017

Theo Fleisch

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank

International Deployment and

Financing Entry and Growth

Walter Breidenstein

Chief Executive Officer

GasTechno Energy & Fuels


4 Link to video


Compact Micro-Reformers for Distributed GTL

John Carpenter

Director, Natural Gas

RTI International

Flare Elimination: Turning Waste and

Environmental Liability into Revenue

Joseph Palaia

Vice President of International Business

Pioneer Energy


CPOX Reforming and Wax-Free F-T

Conrad Ayasse

Vice President Technology

Verdis Synthetic Fuels


Technological Challenges and

Portfolio of Innovative Solutions

Artem Vlasov

Chief Specialist, Gas Function

Gazpromneft Scientific and Technical Center





GTL Opportunities for Access to Energy

in Sub-Saharan Africa

Bryan Willson

Executive Director, Energy Institute

Colorado State University


Development Framework for Small

Scale GTL & Other

Nico Duursema


ND Ventures


Dinner speaker

Prospects for Human Travel to Mars

Robert Zubrin


The Mars Society










Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum

Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas

26 - 28 October 2016


Produced in collaboration with the US Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), EFI's annual meeting brought together a broad range of technology and project developers at the forefront of downstream conversion and gas monetization developments.


In addition to the usual exploration of the status and outlook of numerous technologies being developed and deployed for the production of syngas from various feedstocks, monetization pathways for natural gas, and conversion to fuels and chemicals, the program included keynote talks by ARPA-E Director Ellen Williams and UOP Chief Technology Officer Jim Rekoske, a GTL Fundamentals Tutorial, a site visit to one of the first small-scale GTL plants in North America, and an opportunity to meet with key stakeholders leading natural gas technology development programs funded by ARPA-E.


INFRA Technology modular GTL demonstration plant site visit



















Forum Program and Speaker Biographies



Delegate List                                                       






ARPA-E: Innovating the Future

Ellen Williams


Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)

U.S. Department of Energy




Process Intensification for Upstream Separations

and Gas Treatiing

Charles Mart

Manager, Facilities Technology

ExxonMobil Upstream Research


Small-Scale GTL via Low Energy Electrical Corona


Alex Yokochi

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Oregon State University


Flare-to-Fuels and Modular Distributed Production

from Natural Gas

Robert Schuetzle

Chief Executive Officer

Greyrock Energy

Prospect for Renewable Gasoline Production from

CO2, Water and Renewable Energy

Richard Masel

Chief Executive Officer

Dioxide Materials


Rethinking Distributed Gas Conversion

Jan Boshoff

Chief Executive Officer

Nu:Ionic Technologies


Techno-Economic Analysis of North American

Forest Biorefinery

Benoit Decroix

Lignocellulosic Matials Research Centre

Universit? du Qu?bec ? Trois-Rivi?res


Development of Larger Fischer-Tropsch Reactors,

and Progress at ENVIA Energy's GTL Plant

Paul Schubert

Chief Operating Officer



The Future of Modular GTL: Methane or Ethane?

John Sofranko

Chief Executive Officer

EcoCatalytic Technologies


Advanced GTL Technology - First

Commercial Plant: Countdown to Start Up

Kaan Akyalcin

Chief Executive Officer

INFRA Technology


Innovating for a Carbon Smart Future:

LanzaTech's Disruptive Gas Fermentation


Patrick Sajbel

Business Development Director



Turning Flares into Resources

Robert Zubrin


Pioneer Energy

4Link to video


Techno-Economic Impacts of Abundant NGLs

on the Chemical Industry

James Rekoske

Chief Technology Officer



Update on Standard Alcohol's 750 BPD Project

Peter Tijm

Chief Technology Officer

Standard Alcohol


Shale Gas to Basic Consumer Products:

Sasol's Lake Charles Chemicals Project

(LCCP) Investment

Pat Quinlan

Business Manager

Lake Charles Chemicals Project

Sasol North America


Building with Natural Gas

David Zaziski

Director, Government Affairs and Business Development

Siluria Technologies


The Natural Gas Supply Landscape and

Opportunities for Monetization

Uday Turaga

Chief Executive Officer

ADI Analytics


Purification of Landfill Gas and Digester Gas for

Pipeline Injection - Topsoe GECCO Gas

Conditioning Solutions

Souheil Saadi

Business Development Manager

Haldor Topsoe


Syngas and Hydrogen Pathways for Gas


Sanjiv Ratan

Group Deputy Vice President

Hydrogen - Syngas Product Line

Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology

The Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Scandal:

One Year Later

Ronald Sills


XTL & DME Institute











Gas Flare Monetization Forum

Sheraton Denver Downtown

Denver, Colorado

17 - 19 May 2016


Produced with support from the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR), the forum program featured a number of presentations from companies with pilot, demonstration, and commercial operations involving technologies to capture, condition, refine, and/or convert associated and stranded gas to fuels and chemicals. A session on small-scale and modular conversion technologies included many of the companies reviewed in the World Bank GGFR's most up-to-date study on technology providers in this area.


The forum program concluded with an optional site visit program to see production, remote monitoring, and field operations of Pioneer Energy's Flarecatcher units in Colorado. The Flarecatcher separates natural gas liquids from associated gas at the well to produce a dry methane stream available for onsite power generation or for conversion to CNG.


Sheraton Denver Downtown


















Forum Program and Speaker Biographies



Delegate List                                                   







Zero Routine Flaring and Other International

Efforts for Global Gas Flare Reduction

Nadi?ge Ayitoe Meyo

Senior Oil and Gas Specialist

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank





Turning Flares into Resources
Joseph Palaia
Vice President, International Business
Pioneer Energy


Update on Standard Alcohol's 750 BPD Project

Peter Tijm

Chief Technology Officer

Standard Alcohol



Demonstrating Small-Scale GTL in North

America: INFRA Technology's 100 BPD Plant
Dayle Goynes
Chief Operating Officer
INFRA Technology



KG2 3G with Power Oxidizer

Michael Cormier

Business Development Director



Boris Maslov





Solutions for Monetizing Flared Gas

Mark Agee

Vice President

Business Development & Licensing

Emerging Fuels Technology


Doug Miller

Vice President, Managing Director

Global Technology Oil & Gas

Black & Veatch



Co-Conversion of Natural Gas and Biomass

to Transportation Fuels: Techno-Economic and

Process Engineering Perspectives

Asad Sahir

National Bioenergy Center

National Renewable Energy Laboratory



Rolling Out Smaller Scale GTL
Current Commercialization and Future

Philipp Stratmann
Business Development Director



Facilitating Sustainable Development of Light

Hydrocarbon Resources from Unconventional


Fabio Ribeiro

CISTAR Engineering Research Center

Purdue University



First Standard Commercial Modular

Flared Gas GTL System
George Boyajian
Chief Commercial Officer
Primus Green Energy



New Players and Better Technologies:

Small-Scale GTL Landscape

Theo Fleisch


Fuel Conversion Solutions



From Flare to Fuel: Using Flared Gas as

Compressed Natural Gas
Jed Tallman
Manager, Market Development
Ferus Natural Gas Fuels



Flare Gas Capture, Conditioning and Sale

Peter Mueller

Chief Executive Officer

EcoVapor Recovery Systems



Options for Flare Elimination - Economics and

Technology Options to Reduce or Eliminate

Flaring of Natural Gas Globally

Ajay Badhwar

Global Manager

Natural Gas, Gasification, Ammonia

Dow Oil & Gas



Emerging Nano-Scale GTX Solutions for

Associated Gas

Dave Edlund

Chief Executive Officer

Element 1



OTM Solid State Combined Reformer -

Progress Update

Jeffrey Kingsley

Executive Director R&D




Transforming Natural Gas into Next

Generation Fuels

Robert Schuetzle

Chief Executive Officer

Greyrock Energy



The SPARG Process - Reforming at Sulfided


Esben Sorensen

Syngas Technology Specialist

Haldor Topsoe



The Mobile Refinery Unit
Chand Jagpal
ME Resource












Back to top

Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum

Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas

28 - 30 October 2015


The special 35th anniversary edition of EFI's annual forum included sessions covering the gas monetization and public policy landscape, gas-to-products developments, and modular, small-scale natural gas, syngas, and methanol conversion pathways.


Hotel Granduca











Forum Program and Speaker Biographies




Delegate List




The Outlook for Natural Gas

Charles Mart

Facilities Research Manager

ExxonMobil Upstream Research




Modular Processing Initiative

Dane Boysen

Executive Director, Research Operations

Gas Technology Institute


Technology to Market Overview

Jason Wible

Technology-to-Market Advisor


U.S. Department of Energy


Monetizing Gas with Small Scale Methanol Production

Jason Stieg

Director of Sales

Primus Green Energy


Progressive Role of Gas, Syngas and Hydrogen

in the Low-Carbon Energy Landscape

Sanjiv Ratan

Deputy Vice President, Hydrogen-Syngas

Technip, Stone & Webster Process Technology


INFRA: GTL Technology's Road to Commercialization

Dmitry Popov


INFRA Technology



Oxidative Coupling of Methane -

Disrupting the Value Chain

Rahul Iyer

Vice President, Corporate Development

Siluria Technologies 

Technology Considerations Accompanying Commercial Roll-Out

Roger Harris

Technology Development Manager



Transformational Technologies for the

Natural Gas Value Chain

Ramon Gonzalez


Energy and Environment Initiative (EEi)

Rice University


Flare Capture and Economic Development

Robert Zubrin


Pioneer Energy


Capitalizing on Unconventional Supply -

First LNG at Sabine Pass

Oliver Tuckerman

Director, Corporate Strategy

Cheniere Energy


Biogas to Synfuels - Looking for the Best Return

Murray Sim


Clean Energy North America


Methanol to Propylene (Lurgi MTP) Option

to Meeting Future Propylene Demand

Pietro Di Zanno

Director, Major Projects

Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions


An Economic Assessment of Natural Gas Monetization Pathways

Ajey Chandra

Managing Director

Muse, Stancil & Co.


First Large Scale Commercial Natural Gas to Synthetic Gasoline Project: TIGAS Deployment in Turkmenistan

Henrik Udesen

Business Development Manager

Haldor Topsoe


Current Diesel Emissions Issue: What the

EPA/CARB Letters and West Virginia University Report Say

Ron Sills


XTL & DME Institute


ExxonMobil Methanol to Gasoline -

The 30 Year Anniversary (1985 - 2015)

Terry Helton

SynFuels Catalyst Product Manager

Catalyst & Licensing Global Business Unit

ExxonMobil Research and Engineering


Emerging Public Policy Landscape for

Methane to Products Industry

David Zaziski


Government Affairs

Siluria Technologies





Back to top

Gas Flare Reduction & Monetization Forum

Denver Marriott City Center

Denver, Colorado

15 - 17 June 2015


Produced with support from the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR), the forum program included sessions on flare reduction, associated and stranded gas monetization strategies, small-scale and modular conversion technologies, and the regional opportunities being pursued amidst reduced natural gas / oil price differentials in the major markets. 


Prior to the start of the two day forum Primus Green Energy hosted a reception and presentation at the Wynkoop Brewing Company, and the forum program concluded with optional site visits in Colorado and North Dakota. 


The first site visit was to Pioneer Energy near Denver to see production of the company's Mobile Alkane Gas Separator (MAGS) units that separate natural gas liquids from associated gas at the well to produce a dry methane stream available for onsite power generation or for conversion to CNG.  The second visit comprised guided tours of sites associated with GE and Ferus Natural Gas Fuels? Last Mile Fueling Solution pilot project in North Dakota, being done in collaboration with Statoil, where gas captured from production facilities is stripped of NGLs, compressed, and transported or stored in tube trailers for consumption in the field as fuel.


Denver Marriott City Center
















Forum Program and Speaker Biographies




Delegate List




The Reality of Flaring

Susann Nordrum

GHG Integration Engineering Consultant

Chevron Energy Technology Company




Juniper GTL: Project Status Update

James Davis

Executive Vice President, XTLH

SGC Energia

Global Initiative: Combining Forces to End

Routine Gas Flaring

Francisco Sucre

Regional Coordinator

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank


STG+ Technology: Flare Reduction via

Small-Scale Conversion of Natural Gas to Gasoline

Jason Stieg

Director of Sales

Primus Green Energy

Flare Capture and Economic Development

Robert Zubrin


Pioneer Energy


Gas-to-Oil: A New Generation of GTL Technology

Vladimir Mordkovich

Chief Technology Officer

INFRA Technology

Monetizing Stranded Associated Gas:

A Petroamazonas' Perspective

Christian Guti?rrez Alvarado

Process Engineer Leader

Petroamazonas EP


Modular Distributed Production of Diesel Fuel

from Natural Gas

Robert Schuetzle

Chief Executive Officer

Greyrock Energy

Modular Syngas Generation - OTM Scale-Up

Shrikar Chakravarti


OTM Analysis and Business Development


Utilizing Small-Scale GTL for Distributed Fuel

Production - DME in North America

Elliot Hicks

Chief Operating Officer

Oberon Fuels



Tulsa GTL Pilot Plant Update

Jan Boshoff

Manager, Tulsa GTL Pilot Plant

Sasol Technology


*Contact Jan Boshoff directly for information presented


Minimizing Associated Gas Flaring with

Smaller Scale Methanol Production

Esben Sorensen

Syngas Technology Specialist

Haldor Topsoe


Perspectives on Stranded Gas Success Stories:

Lessons Learned

Babak Fayyaz-Najafi

Senior Research Engineer

Chevron Energy Technology Company


Strategies for Flare Gas Reduction and

Monetization via Syngas

Sanjiv Ratan

Group Deputy Vice President

Hydrogen - Syngas Product Line

Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology




From Flare to Fuel - Last Mile Fueling Solution

Philip Fusacchia

Program Manager, Last Mile Fueling

GE Unconventional Resources

GE Oil & Gas


4 Link to video


Onshore Small-Scale LNG and CNG

Martyn Howells

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank

Assessing the Economics of North American

Natural Gas Monetization Pathways

Ajey Chandra

Vice President and Managing Director

Muse, Stancil & Co.


Advances in Mixed Alcohol  Technology

Peter Tijm

Chief Technology Officer

Standard Alcohol







Associated Gas Monetization via miniGTL -
Conversion of Flared Gas into Liquid
Fuels & Chemicals

Theo Fleisch

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership

The World Bank


Flare Gas Monetization with Mobile

Alkane Gas Recovery

Robert Zubrin


Pioneer Energy


4Link to video

Complete World Bank GGFR report

Associated Gas Monetization via miniGTL -

Conversion of Flared Gas into Liquid

Fuels & Chemicals




Nothing Wasted: Smaller Scale GTL as a Better

Option for Associated Gas

Jeff McDaniel

Commercial Director











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Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum

Omni William Penn Hotel

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

21 - 23 October 2014


Developed with support from members of the Marcellus Shale Coalition and its Natural Gas Use Committee, the forum program included sessions on small-scale and modular conversion technologies, monetization pathways via syngas and methanol, and gas-to-products with a focus on emerging opportunities in the gas-to-ethylene area.


Two site visits were offered as part of the program.  The first comprised a guided tour of a WPX natural gas well site and associated facilities covering the technologies deployed and challenges faced in the production, compression, metering, and transmission of unconventional gas in the Marcellus Basin. 


The second  visit involved a briefing and guided tour of Braskem's Technology & Innovation Center just outside Pittsburgh.  Braskem is the largest petrochemical company in Latin America and one of the largest in the world.  Along with its parent company Odebrecht, Braskem has announced plans for the construction of an integrated petrochemical hub ? the Appalachian Shale Cracker Enterprise (ASCENT) ? in an area where large reserves of the Marcellus and Utica shale are located.


Omni William Penn Hotel







Forum Program and Speaker Biographies




Delegate List





Shale Gas-to-Ethylene Dynamics
Andrew Leitzinger
Vice President



Modular Distributed Production of Diesel Fuel from Natural Gas
Robert Schuetzle
Chief Executive Officer
Greyrock Energy


Marcellus Shale Formation Overview of (Waste) Water Treatment and Disposal Challenges
Mitchell Bormack
Vice President


Advances in the Conversion of Methanol to Gasoline
Mitch Hindman
Licensing Manager
ExxonMobil Research & Engineering

E&P Demand Development in the Marcellus Basin
Matthew Hackworth
Demand Development Group

Bioconversion of Methane to Liquid Fuels for Small-Scale Deployment
Ramon Gonzalez
Program Director
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E)
U.S. Department of Energy


Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR)
Martyn Howells
The World Bank

Commercial Deployment of Smaller Scale GTL in North America

Jeff McDaniel

Commercial Director



Gas Flare Monetization with MiniGTL -
World Bank Global Gas Flaring Reduction Study 2014 Update
Theo Fleisch
Fuel Conversion Solutions


Unlocking the DME Fuel Market: Launching DME in North America
Rebecca Boudreaux
Oberon Fuels

Small-Scale GTL - Upstream Sector Leads the Way
Iain Baxter
Chief Operating Officer

Harvesting Fugitive Methane from Landfills for Fuel Production: A Technology Perspective
Devinder Mahajan
Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center
Stony Brook University / Brookhaven National Laboratory


Small-Scale Fischer-Tropsch Implementation
James Davis
General Manager
Juniper GTL

The Economics of Monetizing North American Natural Gas
Thomas Jones
Chemicals Technology Manager
Bechtel Hydrocarbon Technology Solutions


Praxair's Modular Syngas Generator
Shrikar Chakravarti
OTM Analysis and Business Development

Gas-to-Products via Oxidative Coupling of Methane and Ethylene-to-Liquids Technology
David Zaziski
Government Affairs and Business Development
Siluria Technologies


Syngas to Gasoline via Primus Green Energy's STG+ Technology
George Boyajian
Vice President, Business Development
Primus Green Energy


Syngas and C1 Chemistry Based Opportunities for Monetizing Unconventional Gas
Sanjiv Ratan
Group DVP, Hydrogen-Syngas Product Line
Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology

The 3 Ps of Project Success

A Quick Reality Check for New Energy Technologies, Processes & Projects

Michael Koleda

Envoy Management

Polypropylene Value Chain and Development Activities
Peter Dias
Senior Scientist
Braskem America




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Carbon Conversion Forum & Site Visit


Hilton Beijing Wangfujing


10 - 11 June 2014


EFI's second Carbon Conversion Forum featured presentations by representatives of China's National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC), Sinopec, two of the country's largest state-owned mining and energy companies - the Shenhua Group and the Yankuang Group - and a range of companies with deep specialist expertise in current energy technology demonstrations, trends, and developments in China.


The event, which benefited from the generous sponsorship of Haldor Tops?e (Beijing) and support from the prestigious Beijing Energy Club, concluded with a briefing and guided tour of the Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry (BRICC).







Forum Program and Speaker Biographies



Delegate List




China's Changing Energy Priorities

Yufeng Yang

Deputy Director

Energy System Analysis Center

Energy Research Institute

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)




China's Refinery Industry Landscape

Xihong Li

Economics & Development Research Institute



Policy, Progress, and Projects Related to

Coal-to-Oil, Gas and Chemicals in China

Nigel Dong

Technical Analyst

IEA Clean Coal Centre


The Environmental Challenges of China 

and the Future Picture of Energy

Ke Liu

Vice President

Shenhua Research


Coal vs. Natural Gas Based Methanol Production -

Market Expectations & Economics

James Xie


Methanol Market Services Asia (MMSA)


Clean Energy Standard Market Launch Strategy

for Manufacturing Synthetic Liquid Fuels + Electricity

via Systems in Coal-Dependent US Regions Selling

Captured CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery

Robert Williams

Senior Research Scientist

Energy Systems Analysis Group

Princeton Environmental Institute

Princeton University


Navigating the Cleantech Market in China

Peter Corne

Managing Partner, Shanghai Office

Dorsey & Whitney


Modular GTL: Transformational Gas Solution for the

Upstream Industry

Iain Baxter

Executive Director



Tops?e Conversion of Coke Oven Gas to


Sabrina Zhao

Department Manager

Haldor Tops?e (Beijing)


BP?s Carbon Conversion Technologies ? FT, VCC

and BP?s Innovations in China

Bocken Qin

Technology Innovation Manager

Science & Technology

BP China


Yankuang Group and its Coal Chemical

Industry Introduction

Yongxian Chen

Vice Chief Engineer

Yankuang Group


Demonstration of the Shell-Wison Bottom Quench

Coal Gasification Technology

Sander van Paasen

Lead Design Engineer

Coal Gasification

Shell (China) Projects & Technology


Coal Conversion Technology Advances at BRICC

Sijian Qu


Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry (BRICC)

China Coal Research Institute (CCRI)




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Gas-to-Products, Fuels & Power Forum

Windsor Court Hotel

New Orleans, Louisiana

17 - 19 March 2014


The program contained sessions on advanced fuels and engines, conversion of natural gas and biomass to chemicals and fuels, and an industry roundtable led by Deloitte, URS, and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).











Forum Program & Speaker Biographies




Delegate List





Transport Fuels: Shifting Demands, Regulation,

and Feedstock Impacts

Clyde Payn

Chief Executive Officer

The Catalyst Group





Feedstock, Hydrocarbons & Chemicals

R&D Efforts at the Dow Chemical Company

Mark Brayden

R&D Fellow

The Dow Chemical Company



Alternative Fuels, Advanced Engines,

and Technology Development

Martin Heimrich

Principal Engineer

Southwest Research Institute




Gas to Oleochemicals

Lisa Dyson

Chief Executive Officer




Advanced Refueling Dispensers for LPG

and DME Markets, and Advancements in LPG

and DME Liquid Phase Injection Systems

Robin Parsons


Parafour Innovations



Emerging Energy Technology and the

Stimulation of Economic Development

Rich Overmoyer

Chief Executive Officer

Fourth Economy



North American LNG: Technology and

Strategy Perspectives of a Mid-Scale Project

Ernie Megginson

Vice President, Development

Magnolia LNG



University Partnership Opportunities

Christina Gabriel


University Energy Partnership




Examining the Opportunities for Natural Gas

Monetization - An Investor's Perspective

Nalin Gupta

Vice President, Commodities

Morgan Stanley



Balancing Technology and Market

Conditions for Business Opportunities -

An Example of Lessons Learned

Drew Bond

Vice President

Technology Commercialization




Opportunities for New Business and Partnerships

in Energy-to-Products Market

Duane Schmoker

Senior Vice President

Energy & Science Strategic Business Unit




Reassessing the Gas Monetization

Options Spectrum in North America

Tom Jones

Manager of Chemical Technologies

Bechtel Hydrocarbon Technology Solutions



Accelerating the Development of Midstream and

Downstream Gas Handling and Conversion Technologies

Bryan Morreale

Focus Area Manager

Materials Science & Engineering

Director, Thermal Science Division

Office of Research & Development

National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)



Turbo-POx Syngas Generation Technology


Arun Basu

Institute Engineer, Gas Processing

Energy Conversion Sector

Gas Technology Institute



Public Private Partnerships - Advancing Technology

Through Collaborative Research

Tomas Diaz de la Rubia

Director, Federal Energy and Resources




Perspectives from the Epicenter of a New

Industrial Revolution

Richard Ward

Director, Business Development

Louisiana Economic Development





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Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum

Sir Francis Drake Hotel

San Francisco, California

8 - 11 October 2013


An extended forum program included sessions focusing on small-scale and modular conversion technologies, and methanol routes to fuels, energy, and chemicals.








Forum Program & Speaker Biographies





Delegate List





The Outlook for Natural Gas
Chuck Mart
Manager, Facilities Engineering
ExxonMobil Upstream Engineering




Praxair's Modular Syngas Generator: Latest Results and Applications
Wladimir Sarmiento-Darkin
OTM Business Development Manager


A World Bank Study: Global Gas Flare Reduction Via

Mini-GTL.  An Opportunity Today?
Theo Fleisch
XTL Institute


ITM Syngas Technology Development
Ted Foster
Director, Business Development
Advanced Gas Separation
Air Products and Chemicals


Gas Conversion with Long-Term Feedstock Security
Douglas Shaigec
Swan Hills Synfuels


Modular GTL: Transformational Gas Solution for the Upstream Industry
Iain Baxter
Business Development Director


CNG-LNG-DME: Natural Gas and the North American Heavy-Duty Truck Market: Perspectives of an OEM
Anthony Greszler
Vice President, Government and Industry Relations
Volvo Group Trucks


Implementing Small Scale GTL
James Davis
Senior Vice President
SGC Energia U.S.


Small Scale Production to Develop Regional Markets: Launching DME in North America
Rebecca Boudreaux
Oberon Fuels


Modularization Opportunities in BP's GTL and VCC Technologies
Andrew Till
Project Development Manager
Conversion Technology Centre


The Emergence of Methanol in Energy Applications
Jason Chesko
Senior Manager, Fuels


Velocys Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Technology - New Advances on the State of the Art
Jeff McDaniel
Commercial Director


Gas-to-Olefins via Methanol Conversion: Examining the Value Proposition for These Emerging Technologies
Tara Fatima
Study Manager
Bechtel Hydrocarbon Technology Solutions


GasTechno Drop-in Replacement Diesel: First Generation Field Test Results
Walter Breidenstein
Chief Executive Officer
Gas Technologies


Carbon Recycling and the Commercial Scale Production of Renewable Methanol
Paul Wuebben
Senior Director, Renewable Fuels
Carbon Recycling International


Offshore Gas Handling Solutions
Johan Gericke
Engineering Manager


Natural Gas to Gasoline via TIGAS
Niels Udengaard
Syngas Technology Manager
Haldor Tops?e


Gas-to-Products via Oxidative Coupling of Methane
David Zaziski
Director, Government Affairs & Business Development
Siluria Technologies


Liquids to Gas Enabling Gas to Liquids
Mark Schnell
General Manager, Marketing, Strategy & New Business Development
Sasol North America


NETL-RUA: Combining Capability and Expertise to Serve as an Engine for Innovation
Brian Anderson
WVU Strategic Research in Energy


Gas-to-Liquids with Biomass: Catalytic Upgrading of Gas Streams from Biomass
Mike Rocke
Vice President, Business Development
Cool Planet







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Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum

Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas

22 - 24 October 2012

In addition to the two day forum and annual members' meeting, the event included briefings and guided visits to the Johnson Space Center (JSC) and SGC Energia's Willow GTL Pilot Plant. The visit to the JSC, created just for EFI, involved a look at some of its core facilities including Mission Control and the Flight Control Room (with the briefing given by NASA JSC Flight Director Paul Dye), the Sonny Carter Training Facility and its Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, and a briefing on various engineering and operational assets, facilities, and capabilities of potential interest to companies involved in emerging energy technology and the oil and gas industry.


EFI members were then invited to visit SGC Energia?s 1 bbl/day pilot plant at its Willow site (Pasadena, Texas) to meet with some of the company?s engineers and learn more about the process scheme for coal and biomass to liquids the company has adapted for GTL utilizing Fischer-Tropsch concepts. Having achieved all of its objectives since being established in early 2012, the plant was being relocated to serve as a training unit for the company's commercial facility.



Forum Program & Speaker Biographies
Attendee List


Benchmarking Shale Gas Monetization Options

Colin McHattie

Executive Advisor

ADI Analytics


Toyota's Perspectives for Alternative Fuels and GTL

Ryoji Nishiumi

Executive Coordinator
Technical and Regulatory Affairs and Energy and Environmental Research

Toyota Motor North America


Adding Value to Natural Gas

Etienne Sturm

Director, Business Development USA

Air Liquide


Opportunities for Modular GTL in North America

Steve LeViness

FT Product Manager

Velocys - Oxford Catalysts

In-Situ Coal Gasification (ISCG) with CO2 Capture and Utilization

Doug Shaigec


Swan Hills Synfuels


GTL: The Story So Far & Future Prospects

Jan van Schijndel

Manager Gas Conversion

Shell Global Solutions


Recent Progress Towards Commercial Application of ExxonMobil Controlled Freeze Zone Technology 

Chuck Mart

Manager, Facilities Technology

ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company


An Associated Gas Solution to Enable Development of "Stranded Oil"

Mike Bowe

Chief Technologist



Praxair's New Approach to Ceramic Membrane Technology for Production of Syngas

Wladimir Sarmiento-Darkin

OTM Business Development Director



Evolving Technologies for Alternative and Sustainable Feedstock Conversion

Henry de Wet

Technology Development Manager


Marine CNG: Transport Technology, Applications and Implementation Update

John Dunlop

Managing Director

EnerSea Transport

Gas to Liquids with Biomass: Catalytic Upgrading of Gas Streams from Biomass

Mike Rocke

Vice President

Corporate Development

CoolPlanet Energy Systems


Floating LNG Technology Development at Statoil

Jostein Pettersen

Advisor LNG Technology


Advanced Fuels via Gasification and Gas Conditioning

Thomas Paskach

Director of Technology

Frontline BioEnergy

Commercial Applications and Feasibility: The Changing Value Proposition of FLNG

Raj Mohindroo

Global Oil & Gas Executive






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Emerging Energy Technology & Policy Forum

Epic Hotel

7 - 9  March 2012


The forum included a special session focused on algal biofuels and bioproducts, and a technology component session focused on industrial gas supply.


Forum Program & Speaker Biographies
 Registrant List


Why Algae: Commercialization, Policy, and Hurdles

Todd Taylor


Algae Biomass Summit

Algal Biomass Organization



Renewable and Alternative Fuels - A Consumer Perspective 

Joel Murdock

Managing Director

Strategic Projects

FedEx Express


Financing the Future: Investors' Views on Alternative Fuels and the New Energy


John Pierce


DLA Piper


Aviation and Sustainable Biofuel - The Demand-Side Perspective

Michael Lakeman

Regional Director

Biofuel Strategy

Boeing Commercial Airplanes 

Emerging Applications for Large Scale Cryogenic Air Separation Plants

Dave McCarthy

Director, Government Partnerships

Air Products and Chemicals



Direct to Ethanol Technology Scale Up

Paul Woods

Chief Executive Officer

Algenol Biofuels


GTL, CTL, XTL & EOR: Dynamics Driving the Growth of Mega ASUs 

Gerhard Beysel

Vice President Business Development



The Integrated Algal Biorefinery and Green Crude Production 

Tim Zenk

Vice President

Corporate Affairs

Sapphire Energy


Advanced Gas Separation Ion Transport Membrane (ITM)

Doug Bennett

General Manager

Advanced Gas Separation

Air Products and Chemicals


Achieving an Algae-to-Hydrocarbons Platform

Nick Donowitz


Business & Corporate Development


The Growing Gasoline Distillate Imbalance

Kevin Lindemer


Kevin J. Lindemer LLC 

Bio-Remediation to Biofuel Feedstocks - The Water Market Opportunity

Jordan Lind

Chief Operating Officer


Bringing DME to North America: Small-Scale Production for Regional Markets

Elliot Hicks

Chief Operating Officer

Oberon Fuels






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Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum & Site Visit

St. Ermin's Hotel
 - 28 October 2011

The forum program included a briefing and guided visit through CompactGTL's pilot plant in Wilton, Teeside.  The facility, commissioned in 2008 and incorporating the company's proprietary SMR and F-T technology, demonstrates CompactGTL's integrated process operating under commercial conditions.  The site has recently begun to serve as a training facility for customer operative training, and was used to train Petrobras employees as part of the commercial demonstration plant project.  The site visit included an overnight stay and dinner at nearby Guisborough Hall.


Forum Program & Speaker Biographies Registrant List


Challenges and Future Concepts for Synthesis Gas Production in GTL/CTL Plants

Dr. Kim Aasberg-Petersen

General Manager, Technology Development

Haldor Tops?e


GTL Perspectives and Economics

Mr. Sanjiv Ratan

Deputy Vice President

Hydrogen Product-Line & Technologies


Ion Transport Membrane ITM Development Update

Mr. David Studer

Program Manager ITM Syngas

Air Products and Chemicals 

Solving the Problem of Associated Gas Update: Small Scale GTL Plants

Mr. Rudie Minnie

Head of Operations



Underground Coal Gasification

Dr. Shaun Lavis

Senior Geoscientist

Clean Coal Limited

Microchannel Technology Enabled Distributed Fuel Production:  Deployment Update

Mr. Tad Dritz

Director, Business Development



The Shale Gas Revolution - Prospects for Replication Beyond North America

Mr. Peter Hughes

Director, Head of Energy Practice

Ricardo Strategic Consulting


Global Energy Demand Outlook and the Implications for Regional Gas Markets

Mr. Christof R?hl

Chief Economist and Vice President


Floating LNG: A Combination of Skills, a Multiplicity of Engineering Interfaces

Mr. Mohamed Ould Bamba

Vice President

LNG/GTL Product Business Unit


Complete Floating LNG Pretreatment Solutions: UOP Integrated Approach

Mr. David Penner

Business Development Leader


ExxonMobil in the LNG Business: Experiences and Technologies

Dr. Patrick McMahon

Senior Engineering Associate

ExxonMobil Upstream Research


The VESTA Process, a Breakthrough in SNG Technology

Dr. Axel D?ker

Director Sales EMEA - Refinery


Technical Challenges to GTL Catalysts

Mr. Bernard Crewdson

GTL Business Development Manager

Johnson Matthey Catalysts

Lurgi's New FBDB Gasification Technology and Synthetic Natural Gas for India

Ms. Carina Zundel

Domain Manager - Energy

Air Liquide


Sasol GTL Developments

Mr. Theo Pretorius


Technology Management, IP & Licensing



Clean Low-Carbon Fuels Production - Accelergy CBTL Process Update

Dr. Rocco Fiato

Chief Technical Officer



Pearl GTL: The Making Of

Dr. HP Calis

Manager, Gas Conversion

Shell Global Solutions


Gas Conversion and BTL Developments at BP

Mr. Robin Holford

Commercial Manager

Conversion Technology Centre





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Heavy Resources Forum

The Westin Grand
Vancouver, British Columbia
 - 17 June 2011



Forum Program & Speaker Biographies Registrant List



Collaboration, Innovation, and Deployment of Oil Sands Technologies

Dr. Vincent Saubestre

Executive Director

Oil Sands Leadership Initiative (OSLI)

(OSLI members: ConocoPhillips, Nexen; Statoil; Suncor; Total)


Up the SAGD Learning Curve: Statoil at Leismer, Athabasca Oil Sands

Dr. Robert Skinner

Senior Vice President


Technology Breakthrough Working Group Overview

Mr. Mark Johnstone

Director of Technology & Strategy



OSLI Project Portfolio Manager


In Situ Surface Technology Development Strategies

Dr. David Pernitsky

Senior Engineer

Surface Technology Development

In Situ Technology Development Group

Suncor Energy

PTAC's Role in Sustainable Oil Sands Development: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities 

Dr. Soheil Asgarpour


Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC)

The Potential for Merging Thermal Recovery with Chemical Processes: Innovations in Nano-Catalysis

Dr. Pedro Pereira-Almao

Director, In Situ Energy Centre

Industrial Research Chair, Catalysis for Bitumen Upgrading

University of Calgary


New Technology and the Potential for Improved Environmental Performance

Dr. Eddy Isaacs

Chief Executive Officer

Alberta Innovates


Slurry Phase Hydrocracking - the Favored Choice for Hydrogen Addition?

Mr. Anand Subramanian


Vice President, New Technologies


New Oil Sands Tailings Management (TRO)

Mr. Mark Johnstone

Director of Technology & Strategy

Suncor Energy  

Clean Fuels R&D at the Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory

Dr. Daniel Driscoll

Technology Manager, Fuels, Hydrogen & Syngas

Office of Coal and Power R&D

Strategic Center for Coal

U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory



Efficient Diluent Production Using the TIGAS Process

Mr. Per Bakkerud

Vice President, New Technologies

Haldor Tops?e


Upgrading Gas to Oil Values via Methanol

Mr. Ben Iosefa

Director, Energy Applications


Hydrogen for Oil Sands: Hot Business in a Cold Climate 

Mr. Sanjiv Ratan

Chief Technology Officer


Novel Catalytic Upgrading of Bitumen and Heavy Oil

Dr. Pedro Pereira-Almao

Director, In Situ Energy Centre

Industrial Research Chair, Catalysis for Bitumen Upgrading

University of Calgary




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Emerging Energy Technology Forum & Site Visits

InterContinental Mark Hopkins

San Francisco, California

30 March - 1 April 2011

The EFI forum program included a briefing and guided visits through three facilities connected with advanced research and development into power generation, fuels and combustion, engines, and vehicles at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California.


Forum Program & Speaker Biographies
 Registrant List

Site Visit Program


Carbon Capture and Sequestration Worldwide: What We Know and Where We're Going

Dr. Julio Friedmann

Carbon Management Program Leader

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Technical Program Manager

US-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC)



Bioproduction Scale Up for Renewable Fuels and Chemicals 

Dr. Harrison Dillon

President & Chief Technology Officer


Conversion of Sustainable Energy Resources to Fuels: Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of New Catalysts

Prof. Alexis T. Bell

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

University of California Berkeley


Faculty Senior Scientist

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Thermal Routes to Synthetic Diesel

Mr. John Hemmings

Chief Technology Officer

SGC Energia

U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Energy Storage Research & Development

Mr. Steve Goguen

Vehicle Technologies Program

U.S. Department of Energy


Presented by Vince Battaglia



Conversion of Waste Plastics into High-Value Feedstocks for Clean Distillate Fuels

Mr. John Hemmings

Chief Technology Officer

Climax Global Energy


Energy Storage for Electric Drive Vehicles

Dr. Vincent Battaglia


Cell Analysis Group

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


CCS in a Low-Gas, High Oil Price World

Mr. Keith Pronske

President & CEO

Clean Energy Systems

Long-Term Durability Testing of Lithium-Ion Batteries


Mr. Panos Prezas

Engineering Specialist

Transportation Technology R&D Center

Argonne National Laboratory


Current and Future Status of Renewable Energy

Dr. Bryan Hannegan

Vice President

Environment and Renewables

Electric Power Research Institute

Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Motors (APEEM) R&D

Mr. Steven Boyd

Vehicle Technologies Program

U.S. Department of Energy


Presented by Panos Prezas 


Emerging Alternative Transportation Fuels and Vehicles

Mr. Tim Olson

Senior Transportation Advisor

California Energy Commission

Electric Drive Vehicle Infrastructure - The Smart Grid Connection

Mr. Keith Hardy

Chair, Grid Interaction Technical Team

Argonne National Laboratory/U.S. DOE

Integrating Renewables and Alternative Energy into Oil & Gas Operations

Dr. Trevor Demayo

Senior Planning Engineer

Low Carbon Energy Team Lead

Chevron Energy Technology Company






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Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum & Site Visits
The Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Boston, Massachusetts
12 - 14 October 2010

The EFI forum program included a briefing and guided visit through GreatPoint Energy's Mayflower Clean Energy Center in Somerset, Massachusetts. The company's new $40 million facility, commissioned in March 2009, is a one-of-a-kind center for feedstock demonstration and technology optimization for the company's single-stage direct gasification process. The "green energy bluegas?" technology uses catalytic hydromethanation to create refinery grade hydrogen and pipeline ready SNG from low-cost feedstocks such as coal, petroleum coke and biomass.


Forum ProgramRegistrant List
Forum Notes


The Outlook for Energy: Challeges and Potential
Solutions in the Evolving Energy Landscape

Hugh Helferty
Corporate Strategic Research
ExxonMobil Research & Engineering


Solving the Problem of Associated Gas
Update - Small Scale GTL Plants

Lary Kocher
Chief Technology Officer

Role of Syngas in Bringing Gas to Market
Sanjiv Ratan
Chief Technology Officer
Hydrogen Group
Technip Group


Scientific Challenges for Syngas Technologies
Martin Fowles
Research Associate
Johnson Matthey

The Direct Approach to Gasification: Coal-to-SNG via Catalytic Hydromethanation
Tom Robinson

Vice President, Projects
Operations Manager, Mayflower Clean Energy
Research Center
GreatPoint Energy


Microchannel Technology Enabled Distributed Fuel Production
Terry Mazanec
Chief Scientist

Chemical Looping Combustion: Technology Overview and Current Development Status within Total and IFP
Fr?d?ric Febvre
Head of R&D, Gas & Carbon Chemistry


Shell's GTL Developments: From Lab to World-Scale Plant
HP Calis
Manager Gas Conversion
Shell Global Solutions

Unconventional Gas Developments
Owen Whitfield
Licensing and Projects Manager
Conversion Technology Centre

Recent Progress with FBDB Gasification Combined with Rectisol Gas Cleaning
Waldemar Liebner
Gas-to-Chemicals Technology


Unconventional/Shale Gas: E&P Revolution
William Severns
Managing Director
The Energy Consulting Group

GTL and CTL Plants Oprimising for High Efficiency
Per Bakkerud
Vice President, New Technologies
Haldor Tops?e


Shale Gas: Markets and Policy
Kevin Lindemer
Kevin J. Lindemer LLC


CTL in a Carbon-Constrained World
David Gray
Director, Energy Systems Analysis

GTL Enablers: Advances in Improving the GTL Value Proposition
Jan Boshoff
Principle Process Engineer
Process Development
Sasol Technology


CTL in a Carbon-Constrained World
Tom Tarka
Senior Energy Systems Engineer
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)

GTL Enablers: Advances in Improving the Syngas
Value Proposition
Rodney Allam
Chief Technology Officer






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Emerging Energy Technology Forum & Site Visits
The Brown Palace Hotel
Denver, Colorado
8 - 10 February 2010

Two site visits were included in the forum program.  The first, to EFI member company Eltron Research & Development included a guided visit through the extensive and innovative research and development facilities operated by the company, some of it unique in the industry, including areas for work on biofuels synthesis, fuel reforming, and gasification; hydrogen separation membranes; catalysis design, synthesis, evaluation and scale-up; advanced materials, ceramics, coatings and chemical energy storage; electrochemical metholdologies, high temperature processes, and water treatment.

The second visit, to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), included a series of guided visits organized by NREL especially for EFI members to the National Bioenergy Center pilot plants and analytical facilities.  The visits included the
1 ton/day Biochemical Process Development Unit (PDU); Integrated Biorefinery Facility (IBRF); ? ton per day Thermochemical PDU; Surface Characterization Laboratory (TEM, SEM, etc...); and Catalyst Laboratory.


Forum Program
Registrant List


Recent Work on Intermediate Ethanol Blends for
Use in Conventional Vehicles

Wendy Clark
Fuels Group Manager
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Value-Added Biofuels from the Wood Pulp Industry
Daniel Barry
Manager, Project Development


Recent Work on Intermediate Ethanol Blends for use in Legacy Vehicles
Brian West
Deputy Director
Fuels, Engines and Emissions Research Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Cellulosic Biofuels - Soperton Plant Project Update
Shakeel Tirmizi
Director, Process Development
Range Fuels

The Impact of Fuel Price on Cost Effective Solutions to CO2 Control and Energy Independence
Thomas Ryan III
Institute Engineer
Southwest Research Institute

Fast Pyrolysis Conversion of Biomass to Low Carbon Fuel Feedstocks, Bioasphalt and Sustainable Chemical Products
Dennis Banasiak
Avello Bioenergy

Development of High Temperature Electrolysis Cells for the Nuclear Production of Hydrogen
Robert Cherry
Senior Research Engineer
Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

Third Generation Energy and Chemical Product
Feedstock: Scaling-Up with Microalgae

Joanna Money
Vice President, Business Development
Solix Biofuels

Hybrid and Electric Systems Program Progress Update
Steve Goguen
Senior Engineer
Vehicle Technologies
Hybrid and Electric Systems
U.S. Department of Energy

Alternative Fuels and Power Derived from Renewable Feedstocks
Prabhakar Nair
Senior Manager
Renewable Fuels and Chemicals

Biofuels and Unintended Consequences
Kevin Lindemer

Kevin J. Lindemer LLC

The Sustainability of Biomass for Biofuels and Biopower Applications: Pre-Competitive CRADAs and Initial Pilot Project
Stephen Gorin
Executive Manager
Partnership Development
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Achieving a Sustainable End State: Energy Technology Advances Required to Meet Electricity and Fuel Needs with Sustainable Alternatives to Fossil Fuels
Michael Pacheco
Vice President
Deployment and Industry Partnerships
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification of Wet Organics
James Oyler

The Outlook for Energy and Technology Implications
Jeffrey Beck
ExxonMobil Research & Engineering

Looping Combustion - Optimal Power Plant Retrofits for CO2 Capture
Paul Grimmer
Eltron Research & Development

Solar-Driven Gasification for Advanced Biofuels Production
Wayne Simmons
Chief Executive Officer
Sundrop Fuel

The Biomass Opportunity, Including Advanced Biofuels
John Ashworth
Team Leader

Partnership Development
National Renewable Energy Laboratory






Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum
Grand Hyatt
Washington, D.C.
21 - 23 September 2009


Forum Program
Registrant List

Forum Notes


ENN Group's Efforts Towards Curbing CO2 Emissions from Coal
Zhongxue Gan
Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer
ENN Group



ITM Technology Update
Ted Foster
Director, Business Development
Advanced Gas Separation
Air Products and Chemicals

CO2 Capture Technology Today: Technical and Economic Barriers for New and Existing Power Plants, and DOE R&D
Jared Ciferno
Technology Manager
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
U.S. Department of Energy


LNG Technology Developments at Eni
Michael Gassert
Unit Manager
LNG System Technologies

Carbon Capture and Sequestration Program Overview
Robert Wright
Senior Advisor, Planning & Environmental Analysis
Office of Clean Coal
Office of Fossil Energy
U.S. Department of Energy



Lessons Learned from Start Up of the Sn?hvit LNG Plant
Sivert Vist
Lead Process Engineer
Sn?hvit LNG Plant 

A Look Behind the Current State of Domestic Gas Supply
Vello Kuuskraa
Advanced Resources International



Processing Sour Natural Gas with CFZTM Technology
Charles Mart
Research Manager - Gas Technology
ExxonMobil Upstream Research

CO2 Sequestration from the Perspective of a Technology Provider
n Hnottavange-Telleen
Risk and Performance Manager
Schlumberger Carbon Services



Commercialization of BP's Fixed Bed FT Technology
David Robertson
Technology Vice President


Methanol Fuel Blends, MTO/MTP Chemical Intermediate Technologies, and the Rise of Alcohol Ether Fuels in China
Gregory Dolan
Vice President
Communications & Policy

The Methanol Institute



Low Temperature Fischer-Tropsch Technology Development Status
Evans Itai Mabaso
Principal Process Engineer
Technology Department

DME: A Look Behind Recent Commercial &
Technical Developments in Asia, Europe and North America

Niels Udengaard
Syngas Technology Manager
Haldor Tops?e


Microchannel Technology Enabled Distributed Fuel Production
Jeff McDaniel
Director of Business Development





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Heavy Resources Forum
The Fairmont Banff Springs
Banff Springs, Alberta
1 - 3 June 2009


Forum Program Registrant List



The Impact of Energy Prices on Alternative Energy Sources
Mr. James Davis
Senior Director Midstream Services
SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors


Increasing Upgrader Reliability with Hydrogen Storage
Mr. Jim McKay
Oilsands Business Development

The Complete SNG Process from Coal and Petcoke
Mr. Niels Udengaard
Syngas Technology Manager
Haldor Tops?e

Creating Performance Technology for Purification, Syngas Generation, and Fischer-Tropsch
Mr. Ross Brunson
Sales and Technical Service Manage
r - Refinery Catalysts


What Next for Oil Shale - Boom or Bust?
Mr. Glenn Vawter
Executive Director
National Oil Shale Association (NOSA)

Current Activities and Future Prospects for Oil Sands in Canada
Mr. Robert Skinner
Senior Vice President - Strategy and Commercial Affairs


ExxonMobil's Electrofrac Process for In-Situ Shale Conversion
Dr. Michele Thomas
Research Supervisor, Oil Shale

The Implications of Carbon Management on Oil Sands
Mr. Craig Fairbridge
Manager, Fuels & Emissions
Natural Resources Canada


EST Hydrocracking Process Progress Update
Dr. Alberto Delbianco
Mid/Downstream R&D Manager
Eni E&P Division

How Technology Will Address Key Challenges in the Oil Sand Industry
Mr. Mark Johnstone
Director of Technology and Strategy
Suncor Energy










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International Carbon Conversion Forum & Site Visits
Langfang, Changzhi, Taiyuan, Erdos, Shanghai
19 - 25 April 2009

EFI members enjoyed an extraordinary week-long series of meetings and site visits in China focusing on technology developments related to clean coal routes to fuels and chemicals.  In addition to the forum, the program included three-and-a-half days of site visits to key CTL facilities where new technologies are being developed, demonstrated, and put into production, accompanied by briefings and meetings with senior executives responsible for the projects.


Forum & Site Visit Program
Registrant List

Forum Notes
EFI History & Evolution (EN/CN)


An Explorer in Clean Utilization of Coal-Based Energy
Mr. Yusuo Wang
ENN Group

Methanation Technology for Production of Synthetic Natural Gas from Coal
Ms. Carina Zundel
Technical Director
Air Liquide / Lurgi




Poly-Generation Based on Coal Gasification
Prof. Weidou Ni

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Heavy Hydrocarbon Hydroprocessing at Chevron
Mr. Robert Motal
Staff Consultant


Accelergy ICTL - Environmentally Friendly Coal to Liquids Technology
Dr. Rocco Fiato
Vice President
Accelergy Corporation

Coal Conversion in the United States: Recent Activities
Mr. Daniel Cicero
Technology Manager, Hydrogen & Syngas
Office of Coal & Power R&D
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
U.S. Department of Energy


Coal Chemistry  Development at Lu'an
Dr. Zhijie Wang
Assistant General Manager
Lu'an Group

Recent Challenges for CTL Development in the U.S. and West Virginia
Dr. Qingyun Sun
Assistant to the Governor for China Affairs
State of West Virginia


Coal-Based Zero Emission Technology Systems and Carbon Balance
Dr. Zhongxue Gan
Chief Technology Officer
ENN Group


Nuclear Energy Integration for Improved Coal Conversion
Dr. Robert Cherry
Senior Staff Engineer
Idaho National Laboratory

From Coal-Based Methanol to DME and Propylene
Mr. Martin Gorny
Head of Process Department

Technology Development Updates for 3 U.S. Dept. of
Energy Funded Coal Conversion Technologies
Mr. Damon Waters
Business Development Manager
ron Research & Development


Downstream Gasification Technologies
Dr. Roberta Cenni
Technical Sales Manager, Technology Division
Haldor Tops?e

Coal and Energy Related Activities at Noblis
Dr. David Gray
Director, Energy Systems Analysis Group


Catalytic Coal Gasification for Methane Production
Dr. Hongmei Zhang
Director, Technology Strategy & Development
ENN Group



Kinetics Study of FT Synthesis With High-Throughput Approach
Dr. Steve Hua
Director, FT Program

Recent Progress by the ICC in Clean Coal Technology
Dr. Jianguo Wang
Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Coal Gasification and Application of OMB Gasification Process
Dr. Guangsuo Yu
Institute of Clean Coal Technology

DMC Synthesis Project Overview
Dr. Jinchun Xie
Director, DMC Program



Underground Coal Gasification - Report on Laboratory Work and Field Operations
Dr. Feng Chen
Vice Director
Energy System Laboratory
ENN Science & Technology


XTL in StatoilHydro
Dr. Edvard Bergene
Leading Advisor, Gas Conversion & Gasification









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Emerging Energy Technology Forum & Site Visits
Hotel Contessa
San Antonio, Texas
2 - 4 February 2009

In addition to the forum presentations, registrants were given an opportunity to visit Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), an independent, nonprofit applied research and development organization with a staff of more than 3,000.  The Institute occupies more than 1,200 acres in San Antonio and provides nearly 2 million square feet of laboratories, test facilities, workshops and offices.   SwRI offers the largest independent automotive fuels, lubricants and fluids evaluation program in the world, and EFI members were given briefings and guided visits through the Emissions; Petroleum Products and Research; and Alternative Fuels Technology Laboratories. 


Forum Program
Registrant List

Forum Notes
Site Visit Program


Development & Introduction of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - Opportunities and Challenges
Helge Holm-Larsen
Director, Business Development
Topsoe Fuel Cell

Biofuels and Unintended Consequences Past, Present and Future
Kevin Lindemer
Kevin J. Lindemer LLC

Recent Advances in UCG Technology Development
Tom Tillman
TEXYN on behalf of
The Underground Coal Gasification Partnership (UCGP)

Large Scale Biofuel: A Real and Sustainable Solution to Reducing Petroleum Dependence?
Todd West
Principal Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratory

The Innovation Pipeline - Accelerating Commercialization and Deployment of Renewable & Energy Efficiency Technologies
D. Drew Bond
Vice President, Public Policy

Impact of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles on the Electric Grid
Stanton Hadley
Systems Engineer
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Solar Industry Scale-Up
Jeff Wolfe

Mid-Level Ethanol Blends for Use in Conventional Vehicles
Douglas Lawson
Principal Scientist
U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Thin Film Solar: Making Large Scale Solar Power Economically Viable
Zhenqi Zhu
ENN Solar 

Future Engines & their Fuel Appetites
Charles Roberts
Advanced Combustion and Emissions Section
Engines, Emissions, and Vehicle Research Div.
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)

Catalytic Conversion of Biomass to Hydrocarbons
Greg Keenan
Vice President, Business Development
Virent Energy Systems

Synthetic Fuels of the Future
George Wilson
Senior Researcher
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)

Pyrolytic Pathways to Advanced Fuels
Robert Brown
Bioeconomy Institute
Iowa State University
(2 parts)





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