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Energy Technology Forums


EFI forums and site visits are designed to help industry members stay current on important advances in a wide range of downstream energy technology areas, facilitating interaction amongst technologists and strategy executives involved in design, scale up, deployment, commercialization, and scenario planning, often in areas that may not be covered sufficiently within their own companies or with meaningful information at commercial conferences. All EFI events are by invitation.


Previous Meetings

A small selection of recent EFI member forums


EFI site visit | 
Pioneer Energy Vaporcatcher unit

field demonstration at a Great Western Oil & Gas well pad


 Satellite flare imagery commissioned by the  World Bank GGFR



Gas Flare Monetization & Syngas Conversion Forum

Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas

23 - 25 October 2019

For the fifth year in a row an exceptional program produced with the support of the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR) will bring together international stakeholders responsible for technologies, strategies, and projects aimed at the recovery and monetization of associated and stranded natural gas, the reduction of GHG emissions, the production of syngas from renewable and fossil feedstocks, and the conversion to fuels and chemicals.


The program will explore the latest developments and technology deployments related to stranded, remote, and associated natural gas recovery and monetization pathways including various-scale GTL, CNG, and LNG process technologies, natural gas-to-gasoline, small-scale conversion of natural gas and biomass to liquids (GBTL), with an emphasis on recent demonstrations and piloting, and work now underway.


Article | Bloomberg Business Week

Flaring, or Why So Much Gas is Going Up in Flames

30 August 2019

Article | Oil & Gas Journal

Permian Gas Flaring, Venting Reaches Record High

4 June 2019

Article | Oil & Gas Journal

World Bank: Global Gas Flaring Up 3% in 2018

12 June 2019




EFI site visit | INFRA Technology Mark 100 GTL plant



Gas-to-Market & Syngas Conversion Forum

Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas

27 - 29 September 2017


EFI's annual Gas-to-Market & Syngas Conversion forum featured the usual extensive coverage of natural gas and syngas monetization routes and their economics, gas-to-liquid conversion (including small-scale GTL, CNG, and LNG process technology and catalysts), the production of syngas from a variety of feedstocks as a building block route to the production of fuels and chemicals, small-scale XTL, BTL, and downstream methanol pathways (MTG and DME).


In addition, the forum included a GTL Fundamentals Short Course ideal for those new to the subject or looking to quickly get up to speed on recent developments, and a site visit program.

Forum content available online in the Member Area

EFI site visit | Pioneer Energy Flarecatcher field demonstration
DJ Basin, Colorado

Gas Flare Monetization Forum and Site Visits
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
Denver, Colorado
May 2016

An exceptional program produced with the support of the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR) involving international stakeholders responsible for technologies, strategies, and projects aimed at the recovery and monetization of associated and stranded natural gas and the reduction of GHG emissions.


An optional site visit programprovided another opportunity for a first hand look at the production and operation of natural gas processing systems being deployed to capture and utilize flare gas in the field.


Forum content available online in the Member Area



Gas Flare Reduction & Monetization Forum and Site Visits

Denver Marriott City Center

Denver, Colorado

June 2015


An exceptional program produced with the support of the World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR), EFI's Gas Flare Reduction & Monetization Forum brought together international stakeholders responsible for technologies, strategies, and projects aimed at the recovery and monetization of associated and stranded natural gas and the reduction of GHG emissions.


The meeting focused on flare reduction and stranded gas monetization pathways including various-scale GTL, CNG, DME, and LNG process technologies, syngas to gasoline, small-scale XTL, and methanol to fuels and products, with an emphasis on work underway, challenges being faced and lessons learned in the Bakken formation.  An optional site visit program included first hand looks at the production and/or pilot demonstration of two natural gas processing systems being deployed to capture and utilize flare gas in the field.


Forum content available online in the Member Area




Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum & Site Visits
Omni William Penn Hotel
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

October 2014

Supported by a number of Marcellus Shale Coalition member companies interested in downstream gas monetization, the annual meeting's program covered natural gas monetization routes, GTL (including small-scale GTL process technology and catalysts), syngas to gasoline, small-scale XTL, BTL, methanol to products, DME, natural gas vehicles, and challenges related to gas processing and the replacement of naphtha, with an emphasis on work underway and lessons learned in the Marcellus and Utica Basins.  The site visit program provides an opportunity to see firsthand the Technology & Innovation Center central to Braskem's petrochemical R&D, and facilities for the production, processing, compression, metering and transmission of shale gas in the Marcellus Basin.


Forum content available online in the Member Area




Carbon Conversion Forum & Site Visit

Hilton Beijing Wangfujing


June 2014


EFI's second Carbon Conversion Forum featured presentations by representatives of China's National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC), Sinopec, state-owned mining and energy companies Shenhua and Yankuang, BP, Shell and a range of companies with deep specialist expertise in current energy technology demonstrations, trends, and developments in China.  The event, which benefited from the generous sponsorship of Haldor Tops?e (Beijing) and support from the prestigious Beijing Energy Club, concluded with a briefing and guided tour of the Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry (BRICC).


Forum content available online in the Member Area





Gas-to-Products, Fuels & Power Forum

Windsor Court Hotel

New Orleans, Louisiana

March 2014


The program contained sessions on advanced fuels and engines and the conversion of natural gas and biomass to chemicals and fuels, with speakers from Dow Chemical, Kiverdi, Morgan Stanley, Bechtel Hydrocarbon Technology Solutions, Battelle, Southwest Research Institute, Magnolia LNG, the Catalyst Group, the Gas Technology Institute   and others, and featured an industry roundtable led by Deloitte, URS, and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).


Forum content available online in the Member Area





Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum
Sir Francis Drake Hotel
San Francisco, California 
October 2013

The program included sessions focusing on small-scale and modular conversion technologies, and methanol routes to fuels, energy, and chemicals, with presentations and briefings from ExxonMobil, CompactGTL, Sasol North America, SGC Energia, BP, Methanex, Air Products and Chemicals, Praxair, Oberon Fuels, Siluria Technologies, Carbon Recycling International, Bechtel Hydrocarbon Technology Solutions, Swan Hills Synfuels, Volvo Group Trucks, Cool Planet, and others. 


Forum content available online in the Member Area





Gas-to-Market & Energy Conversion Forum & Site Visit
Hotel Granduca

Houston, Texas 
October 2012


In addition to the two day forum and annual members' meeting, the event included briefings and guided visits to the Johnson Space Center (JSC) and SGC Energia's Willow GTL Pilot Plant. The visit to the JSC, led by NASA JSC Flight Director Paul Dye, involved a tours and a briefing on various engineering and operational assets, facilities, and capabilities of potential interest to companies involved in emerging energy technology and the oil and gas industry.


EFI members then visited SGC Energia?s 1 bbl/day pilot plant at its Willow site (Pasadena, Texas) to meet with company engineers and see firsthand the process scheme for coal and biomass to liquids that the company has adapted for GTL utilizing Fischer-Tropsch concepts.


Forum content available online in the Member Area


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